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Table of contents
  1. Introduction to the GTAD
  2. What about the BGL (Boost Graph Library)?
  3. Graphs
    1. Concepts
      1. Graph
      2. Incidence Graph
      3. Bidirectional Graph
      4. Adjacency Graph
      5. Adjacency Bidirectional Graph
      6. Vertex List Graph
      7. Edge List Graph
      8. Vertex and Edge List Graph
      9. Mutable Graph
      10. Adjacency Matrix Graph
      11. Cyclic List Graph
      12. Embeddable Graph
      13. Sortable List Graph
    2. Implementations
      1. adjacency_list
  4. Algorithms
    1. Concepts
      1. Graph Algorithm
      2. Search Algorithm
      3. Weighted Graph Algorithm
      4. Single Source Shortest Path Algorithm
      5. All Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm
      6. Negative Cycle Detection Algorithm
      7. Flow Algorithm
      8. Lower Bounded Flow Algorithm
      9. Minimum Cost Flow Algorithm
      10. Biconnectivity Algorithm
      11. St-Numbering Algorithm
      12. Planarity-Test Algorithm
    1. Implementations
      1. generalized_search
      2. bfs
      3. dfs
      4. dijkstra_shortest_path
      5. bellman_ford_shortest_path
      6. augmenting_path_maxflow
      7. preflow_push_maxflow
      8. cycle_cancelling_mincost_flow
      9. minflow
      10. biconnectivity
      11. st_numbering
      12. hopcroft_tarjan_planarity_test
      13. dfs_based_biconnectivity_augmentation
  5. Policies
    1. Concepts
      1. Find Augmenting Path Policy
      2. Init Height Policy
      3. Compute Flow Policy
      4. Find Negative Cycle Policy
      5. Make Biconnected Policy
    2. Implementations
      1. find_shortest_augmenting_path_via_bfs
      2. init_height_via_bfs_reverse_network
      3. compute_maxflow_via_preflow_push
      4. compute_maxflow_via_augmenting_path
      5. find_negative_cycle_via_bellman_ford
      6. make_biconnected_via_dfs_augmentation
  6. Visitors
    1. Concepts
      1. Visitor
      2. Search Visitor
      3. Recursive Search Visitor
      4. Non Recursive Search Visitor
      5. Shortest Path Visitor
      6. Dijkstra Visitor
      7. Bellman Ford Visitor
  7. Property Maps
    1. Concepts
    2. Implementations
      1. vector_map
      2. random_access_iter_map
  8. Auxiliary Stuff
    1. Concepts
      1. Vertex Indexed Construct
      2. Edge Indexed Construct
      3. Vertex and Edge Indexed Construct
      4. Policy Based Construct
    2. Implementations

Copyright © Leandro Terra Cunha Melo